In the world of digital transformation, brand strategy has become more important than ever before. It’s no longer enough to just have a tagline and a few logos. In order to stand out from the crowd, brands need to be able to articulate their mission, vision and values in clear terms that potential investors or partners can understand. To do this, many businesses have turned to Job-to-be-Done theory as an effective way of defining their brand’s growth strategy. Read on for a brief introduction to what Jobs Theory is, why it’s useful, and how you can use it to inform your brand’s growth strategy.
What is Jobs To Be Done Theory?
Jobs to be done theory is a way of understanding why customers buy products. Traditionally, marketers have approached marketing by looking at the features and benefits of their products. This is what is known as the “job-to-be-done” approach. The idea is that customers don’t buy products, they buy outcomes. A customer might not want a sports car because they like the design and the sound it makes. Instead, they might want a sports car because they want to feel like they’re part of a youth culture where they can go out on the weekends, drive fast and not be bothered by cops. By looking at what outcomes people are trying to achieve when they buy products, marketers can focus on solving the problems that are actually keeping customers from buying their products.
Why use Jobs Theory for Brand Strategy?
The job that people hire your brand to do is an important consideration in shaping your brand strategy. If your brand’s job is not aligned with the need or pain that your customers are trying to solve, then you risk failing to convert them. Jobs Theory is an excellent way to identify what job your brand is hired to do. In order to do this, you’ll need to answer three key questions – who your customers are, what problem your product is solving and where in the customer’s journey they buy the product. Once you’ve identified the job your brand is hired to do, you can use this information to inform your growth strategy.
How to apply Jobs Theory to Brand Strategy?
In order to apply Jobs Theory to your brand’s strategy, you’ll need to first identify who your customers are and why they buy your product. Once you’ve done this, you can then identify what problem your product is solving and where in the customer’s journey they buy your product. Here’s a look at how each of these steps can be applied to a fictitious business – let’s call them “Brand X”.
Tip 1: Identify who your customers are and why they buy.
This first tip is all about finding out who your customers are and what their motivations are for buying your product. In order to do this, you will need to do some research – either by conducting surveys or conducting interviews with existing customers. You’ll also need to identify your brand as well as its value proposition. Once you’ve found out who your customers are, what their motivations are for buying your product and what your brand’s value proposition is, you’ll be in a good place to identify what problem your product is solving.
Tip 2: Identify what problem your product is solving.
Next, you need to identify what problem your product is solving. This means that you need to find out what problems your customers are trying to solve when they buy your product. Again, you can conduct research or conduct interviews to find out the problems that your customers are trying to solve. Once you’ve found out what problems your product solves for customers, you’ll be in a good place to identify where in the customer’s journey they buy your product.
Tip 3: Determine where in the customer’s journey the product will be bought.
Finally, you need to determine where in the customer’s journey your product will be bought. This means that you need to determine where in the customer’s journey your product fits in. Once you’ve established where in the customer’s journey your product fits, you’ll be in a good place to use jobs theory to inform your brand strategy.
Brands that use Jobs to Be Done theory to inform their brand strategy will be able to focus their marketing efforts on the problems that their customers are actually trying to solve. This is a more effective way of marketing than marketing based on the product’s features and benefits, which is what many brands currently use. Most importantly, jobs theory can help brands understand why their customers are not buying their products. If you’re not converting the customers that are trying to buy from you, then it’s likely that you don’t have a clear understanding of their jobs. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can apply jobs theory to your brand strategy to help you shape your marketing efforts and convert more customers.