6 CRM Data Management Tips to Improve Business Productivity

Data is the fuel that drives the various business activities in the modern world. Customer relationships are no different; the more data points you have about your customers, the more you can tune your customer outreach for lead generation. A CRM software tool can be considered the manifestation of this reality. It helps a firm’s sales representative forgo the mundane tasks that aren’t at the core of their job profile by automating them. According to a Salesforce 2018 report, this is valuable because 66%of a sales rep’s time is spent on such activities.

CRM Data Management Tips

You can drive your business to new heights with clean data, a robust CRM, and the quick and accurate entry of the former into the latter. However, with Big Data being the standard, CRM data management is easier said than done. That’s because you have to deal with a lot of poor-quality data. This blog provides the tips you need to overcome this problem and make your business a success. We’ll also discuss why outsourcing CRM data entry services can be a critical aid to your business in such cases.

Tips to Manage Your CRM Data Effectively

CRM Data Effectively

1.Input the Best Quality Data from the Start

The conventional wisdom is that prevention is better than cure. This philosophy applies to enterprise data management as much as it does to the medical field. When the input data is free of errors, it prevents the cascade effects of failure experienced when unclean data is processed.

The common way to clean customer data includes data cleansing processes and standardization. The cleansing eliminates duplication, missing or broken data, and the like, while standardization eliminates grammatical and syntactical errors. It brings the data in line with acceptable standards used in the region and the company.

You can choose between two methodologies to proceed with input data quality improvement: Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) and Extract-Load-Transform (ELT). In the first one, you extract the data from the sources and directly apply the data management functions before storing it in your database. In the second one, you extract and load the data directly into your storage before applying the data management functions. Each has its share of upsides and downsides, with ETL saving space but proving expensive and ELT the contrary.

Data refreshment is another vital piece of the puzzle that comes into the picture here. Contact data can become outdated due to many factors like change of address, company, and phone number. Hence, it is necessary to constantly keep track of such changes and apply them immediately. Such measures help the CRM churn out analyses that can help the sales team stay in line with the latest developments in the market.

2.Prepare Your Teams for the Process

A successful operation is possible when humans and machines perform tasks in tandem. Therefore, just as you prepare the input data for your CRM, you should also prepare your teams to use it to the fullest. This means they must be apprised of the pertinent aspects of the data management process and each member’s role in it.

If you have outsourced CRM data entry, your team must collaborate with members from that agency. This ensures that everyone is aware of what is happening when and the rest of the workflow isn’t disrupted.

One of the most important steps you can take toward this seamless data management for CRM is to hire competent professionals who are skilled at it. They can be counted on to use their experience in selecting the right data sources for the company’s requirements, improving the CRM’s input data quality. Another measure is to train all employees who use the softwareconstantly. It keeps them up to date with the upgrades to CRM software, and you won’t have to worry about delays arising from a lack of operational capability of the software.

3.Define a Standard for the Process

The efficiency of your CRM data management process is as crucial to its successful outcomes as clean input data. And that efficiency is achieved through the creation and execution of a well-thought-out data management strategy. At the heart of that strategy is a company-wide standard.

A custom standard applied for data and operations ensures that there is synergy between the various components that go into CRM data management. You can customize the standard operating procedures according to the evolving needs of the company to maximize productivity. But remember to keep it compatible with all applicable regulations of your company’s operational regions.

All relevant stakeholders of the CRM system should know what it entails and how they are supposed to use it based on their respective authorization levels. The standard should also define the steps to take in case of a failure of the system. It could be due to a technical error or a human one. In either case, everyone concerned should know what to do to get the system back up online or how to work around the problem.

When an external CRM data entry services operator is involved, then they too must be on board with your operational and data standards. Consult with them before hiring them about this matter and only proceed with the outsourcing once both of you agree on it.

4.Add Convenience of Use at Every Step

Much like how the success of a website depends on the user experience provided by its user interface and content, the success of your CRM also depends on the same factors. Albeit, how they apply varies from that of a website. The UI of the CRM should be convenient to use for people of various backgrounds.

One of the most important features it should come with is mobile-friendliness. An app on the salesperson’s phone is the best way to help them manage the CRM’s data while out in the field. The app’s interface should be designed to help with single-hand and voice-activated use to help them note down important points while on the move. They should be able to reach the different sections of the system easily through a simple menu and add the relevant data.

Choosing such a CRM system should be a priority as the entire data management ecosystem becomes easy. You could approach a vendor that can customize one for you or you could go with the popular options in the market that has a large user base.

The latter also helps your outsourcing data entry agency as they too can easily work on your CRM needs. For example, a Salesforce data entry services provider can have your CRM up to date with important data quickly if your choice is Salesforce software.

5.Make Your CRM the Single Point of Accurate Information

Dispersing data across various systems of your enterprise will lead to ambiguity and data processing mistakes, eventually resulting in wrong business decisions and lost customers. That is why you should make your CRM system the only source of truth for its relevant purpose. Every stakeholder in your customer outreach efforts should not go elsewhere when they need information for their respective tasks. Integrate other software with this so that there is a unified system that all team members can rely upon for doing their duties.

6.Audit the CRM Data Periodically

Despite best efforts, CRM data can lose its quality over time, especially if it’s not updated frequently. Hence, you must audit the data contained in your warehouse that the CRM uses. Rerun the data management functions routinely to keep the stored data in the best possible condition. The frequency of audits should be decided based on your company’s present and prospective customer outreach activity levels.


Sales and marketingteams must constantly adapt to changing market dynamics to make the best impressions on customers and close deals. This is only possible if they have a solid foundation of accurate and easily accessible customer data they can rely on in this ever-changing landscape. Outsource CRM data entry, and you can provide them with the customer data at the speed and accuracy levels they need to improve customer acquisition.

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