What is Mircari and How to Use it to grow your eCommerce Business?

If you want full of tips and advice to help make your sale boom then read this article. And if you are looking online platform for selling your items quickly then Mircari is good.



What is Mircari?

Mircari is online marketing platform that connects to buyer and sellers for accessories, fashion and home goods. It’s used to free signup and sell your items like clothes, home goods and accessories and earn money online. In this app offers a commission system for sales.

It is an online platform that connects buyers and sellers the entire world. And you can sell your new and used items with shipping and returns services.

When you start selling products on this app, firstly need to create an account on it and then begin listing your products. Visit “listing” tab and enter the relevant information of your product and list your product easily. And you can add you product information’s like image, price and descriptions etc.

You need to set up shipping details after listed your products. Then clicking on “shipping” tab and enter required information about your products like shipping address and payment method. And you can also choose return policy in your listing.

When you complete all the important listing details, and then start selling products. You click on the “Selling” tab and select the items that you want to sell from your list and you can set prices for each product. Finally, click on “Start Selling” button to sell your products on Mircari.


How Does It Work?

It is an online app that connects to sellers and buyers of goods and services. And operates on a commission based sales model so list their products at competitive prices with encouraging sellers. On this website sellers can upload product picture, details and set price accordingly.

If you want to sale products on it, then firstly create an account on it. Make a profile with your details as name, email address, and phone no products category which you would like to sell items on it. After that login on it and begin listing their products with details as description (name, price, quantity available) and price and must be add image of products. After completing products listing seller can accept or decline offers from customer and make a commission on each selling products made through their listings.

It is an ecommerce website that allow user to sell products online. It has user friendly interface and allow sellers to sale many categories products as clothes, furniture, art and electronics etc. and also give buyers receive feedback option.


Mircari Marketplace Categories:

E-commerce: Mircari allows e-commerce website or app to sell products online. Like Amazon, Flipkart, Alibaba and eBay etc.

P2P Marketplaces: Allow connect directly buyers and sellers on this platform. Craigslist and eBay are also well-known P2P marketplaces.

Marketplace Aggregators: On this platform you collate multiple products from one place so you can buy more products from different categories at once. Marketplace aggregator’s example is Shopify.


How to download and install the Mircari app on your android phone:

It is very simple and app is available for free on the App store and Google Play.

1. On your internet and go to Google play store on your phone

2. Then search “Mercari” or “Mircari” in the search bar.

3. Show app on the top and click on it

4. Then click on install button.


How to Create Mircari Account?

1. Firstly go to Mircari website homepage  https://mercari.com/

2. Then click on sign up

3. Fill your details as username, email, password and phone number

4. Get verification code on your phone

5. And if you don’t receive a verification code on your phone then you can request the verification code through a phone call.

6. Put your verification code and verify your account

7. Finally become a member of Mircari.


How to sell items on Mircari:

1. If you are come new on it then firstly creates free account and set up your shop.

2. Then browse the marketplace and find what you are looking for and sell products on it.

3. Then add products on your shop and set details of products and price.

4. Wait buyers to come on your shop and leave a review of your products if you want.

5. You can consider their offer before responding of buyer offers.  Because sometime low price is enough to attract buyers.

6. When buyer doesn’t meet your standards then cancel the sale and move it.

7. It will be help you stay competitive in the marketplace and adjust your prices as needed.


Is Mircari Legit?

Yes, it is legit. Mircari is quite similar to other marketplace or ecommerce platform. It is reliable and has a customer protection policy. Once you list on Mircari then reach a hugh range of audience from the US.




It is a best platform for online sellers and buyers. So if you are looking for a way to grow your online business? Than Mircari is best solution. It is user friendly platform so easy to use by everyone and sign up without any cost. Its use to regular shopping and get easily access to millions of products. So it is best platform to boost your business online.


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