Make Your Jewelry Listings More Engaging with These 4 Product Photography Trends

When it comes to jewelry, trends change often. For example, currently, you might see more pastel colors in necklaces and bracelets. However, this style may soon be replaced by something new. Likewise, how you capture jewelry in photos (and how you represent them on product pages) also changes. Although you may try your best to keep pace with the changing trends, product photos almost always require editing to maintain the look and feel of the original product.

Product Photography Trends

Let’s go through the top trends in the arena of jewelry product photography (and the utility of jewelry photo editing service in this context), so you can make your listings more impressive and increase the chances of a sale.


4 Top Trends in Jewelry Product Photography

eCommerce is evolving. For instance, Amazon went from supporting one photo on product pages to many product photos and then to videos- all in an attempt to increase consumer interaction. In the last few years, many popular eCommerce marketplaces have moved to even more engaging product visuals, like 3D image renderings. Some eCommerce mobile applications also allow the user to position the product in a physical space (thanks to AR and VR technologies). For instance, you can imagine the heightened level of user interaction if they can try your jewelry virtually and check how it looks on them.

With so much happening, online sellers must keep an eye on product photography trends so they can improve their product pages, inspire informed decision-making, and increase conversions.


1.  Product videos are becoming prevalent

One trend that is dominating product photography at present is video. They are a perfect way to show off intricate pieces and beautiful designs. Videos can help jewelers capture the details and showcase delicate pieces of jewelry with ease. Capturing your jewelry in motion can also help customers get a true feel of the product before purchase, helping them make an informed decision. Additionally, jewelers can showcase their work more effectively and attract new customers by capturing products in motion.


2.  3D product renderings are gaining consumer attention

While 3D renders are a great way to showcase products (since a user can easily check the product from every angle and view), it is very difficult to create a 3D model from scratch. However, techniques like photogrammetry have reduced that complexity to some extent. You can take closely overlapping photos of a product from all angles and use photogrammetry software to build a 3D model of that product. Then, you can manually tweak the model to create a closer reflection of the product.

This is important because it allows for more accurate and realistic jewelry photos and also encourages consumer interaction and engagement. Plus, by taking multiple images of an object at different angles, you are creating a visual entity that is accurate down to the smallest detail, thus increasing consumers’ trust in your product.

Using photogrammetry models, jewelers can better represent their products on eCommerce platforms, social media sites, and websites, giving shoppers the best possible experience when shopping for jewelry.


3.  Monochromatic color schemes are being preferred

When it comes to jewelry photography, a monochromatic color scheme can be a great way to add an element of elegance and sophistication to your shots. When styling monochromatic photos, one needs to focus on evoking certain emotions in the shoppers. A monochromatic color scheme will be perfect if you’re aiming for luxury and style. If, on the other hand, you want to opt for a calm and serene feel, then using a muted color palette will be appropriate.

However, shooting monochromatic photos may pose certain challenges. So, making such changes in the post-processing stage is much easier. Anyways, how ever you choose to do this, it’s important to find what works best for your product and style.


4.  Using natural lighting remains a constant to enhance product photos

When it comes to jewelry photography, one of the most important things to consider is capturing images that portray an authentic feel when viewed. Soft light and shadow can help achieve this goal, and natural light is a great way to add warmth and depth to your photos. This can also be done by positioning your subject near a window or door with strong natural light or using a flashgun to add warmth to your shots.

In case you already have photos of your products (and don’t want to risk the jewelry by posing it to another photography session), you can try to edit them accordingly. The wiser way is to try and manipulate the lights and shadows in those photos through advanced photo editing software.


Keep up with the Trends by Seeking Professional Assistance

As an eCommerce seller, you already have a hundred things to handle. With so much on your plate, it is natural not to be able to pay attention to something as seemingly small as product photo editing. However, not focusing on enhancing product images can cost you a lot. Therefore, you need to find ways to make sure that your product photos stay in tune with the latest trends (so as to keep up consumer engagement on your product pages).

Outsourcing jewelry photo retouching services is a simple way out of this dilemma. Hiring remote photo editors from a third-party photo editing company can assist you in keeping up with the changing trends and making your jewelry photos look their best. Whether looking for a fresh take on classic pieces or something completely new, editing professionals can help you deliver exactly what your customers are looking for.

Trends by Seeking Professional Assistance

Still wondering why you need to outsource jewelry photo editing services? Consider the following benefits.


1.  Reduced time spent on photo editing

eCommerce sellers who outsource jewelry photo editing services often find that they have a better overall experience. Working with an outsourcing partner can save time and hassle and offer improved quality.


2.  Greater accuracy

Since the partner has photo editing experience, they can correct any mistakes quickly and with minimal fuss. This ensures that your jewelry photos look their best and are ready for online marketing or print publication.


3.  Increased flexibility

Having an outside party handle photo editing means you can focus on other business activities without worrying about disruptions to your regular workflow or outcomes.


4.  Clarity and Innovations

A partnership between professionals allows for innovation and creativity in photo editing. When photos are edited by multiple people, there is often variation in interpretation. Using a partner eliminates this inconsistency and ensures that the final product is clear and polished. This helps you stay ahead of the curve and provide your clients with unique and exciting products.


Take away

The world of jewelry photography has seen a lot of change over the past few years. With technology constantly evolving, many businesses have had to adapt and change their processes to stay competitive. By understanding how these trends impact the industry, eCommerce firms can stay ahead of the curve and maintain their edge in the market.

By outsourcing product photo editing services, you can delegate this stress to a professional and redirect your focus to other growth-critical activities. But, regardless of how you choose to do this, the important thing is to ensure that your jewelry photos come out flawless on the listing.

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